I love Valentine's Day! I don't think it's a holiday for couples at all for me its all about celebrating love in your life. In high school my friend Tina and I would team up to give all our other friends Valentine's. It's always fun! :D
Here are a couple of Valentine's themed things you might like.
Peonies are such pretty flowers. I'd prefer them to roses who's scent I'm not fond of.

Take the time to see the world through rose colored lenses.

Wear your heart on your feet with these cute shoe clips.
Their transferrable to other surfaces as well.

Smell like a sweetheart.

It's hearts all over the world with these holographic glasses that turn all point of light to hearts! I own a similar pair and they're great fun. Try wearing a pair in the car at night. Trippy!

Other images sourced from Weheartit.com 1, 2