I've got two beach trips planned for this summer. One is in three days with some of my favorite people on this earth.
We're going to soak up some sun, sand, drinks and maybe do some cliff diving, an activity I love but which still makes me freeze up. No matter how many times and how many summers I've jumped of the cliff, there's still that fear as you peer over the edge and get ready to leap and hope to not hit the rocks on the way down.
But once you've cleared the rocks, the plunge into the water is just wonderful. You torpedo through the water, sometimes hitting the sand on the ocean floor before swimming back up, adrenalin coursing through your body.
The other trip is still in May and might actually include a visit to the sandbar pictured in that last photo. *fingers crossed*
Source: Scorpio Travel, Lakbay Diva, We heart it, We heart it