Une nuit Parisienne (Paris by night) from manemos on Vimeo.
When my two older brothers were at university they both spent a semester studying in France in a town forty minutes by bus from Paris. They would travel into the city on weekends when they weren't going off to see the rest of Europe and they always had the most beautiful pictures, that hit me with serious cases of wanderlust. It was one of my brothers who showed me this video. He's says it got him missing Paris. I've never been and watching this makes me want to go all the more.
This is a very cute Parisian love story, told in less than a minute. It got my friend weepy when I linked it to her. :) Enjoy!
Also check out what Eric Daman the stylist of Gossip Girl has to say about the styling while Serena and Blair are in Paris at the start of Season 4.
Parting shot!

Have a great week!